Church Ministries

Organisations and Mission

Sunday School

I fell in love with . . .

. . . Christ when I was a child. The passion for the Church and the values of the people of God became central to my being and a quest for the well being of all God’s creation became my pursuit. All these because of my Sunday School classes. This would be what the kids corner would be praying for to be the experience of each of the children who are mentored with us.

The Sunday School is held every Sunday at 09:30AM, except last Sundays at 09:00AM

Sunday School Secretary: Mr. Justin Israel

Additional Activities
  • A yearly Sunday school camp
  • VBS
  • Colouring and Creative activities
  • Bible Quiz (inter churches.)

For more information please contact Sunday School Secretary.

Youth Fellowship

We Believe

Give the Youth What they Want and the Youth Will Want What You GiveSpring Tide will be a forum of continuous interaction of and with the youth so that their heartbeat would be central to the being of the church.

Please contact the Youth Leader Ms. Nisha Varghese at for more information.

Additional Activities
  • A yearly Sunday school camp
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Colouring and Creative activities
  • Bible Quiz (inter churches.)
Our creative and vibrant youth

Church Choir

Voices unto GOD

Music has always been central to worship. Heavenly choirs were replicated by skilled musicians leading the congregations in blissful singing and worship in many a worship service. The Choir resonates the prayer O God Who Gave Us Voices How Best Can We Put That To Use But Singing Praises to Your Wondrous Name.

Please contact the Choir Master Mr. Ashok Varkey or Choir Secretary Mrs. Graceline Justin at for more details.

Additional Activities
  • Quarterly Prayer Meeting
  • Yearly music workshop
  • Quarterly music learning classes
  • Monthly Junior Choir Vocal Training

Women's Fellowship

From the Beehive

It would not be an exaggeration if we say that it was the women who ensured that faith is carried on from generation to generation. The grandmothers, the mothers, the sisters and the daughters were core to holding firm on the faith that was handed down and in passing it on. Their coming together is not only to strengthen their own faith but also to strengthen the commitment of sharing that faith and helping others find root and fruit in that faith.

Please contact the Women's Fellowship Secretary Mrs. Jessymole Justin for more details.

Men's Fellowship

Harmony of Believers

The fellowship of believing men can do miracles for the Almighty. Harmony is intended to be a sharing space for men’s concerns as fathers, sons, husbands and as men itself. Harmony would also look at cultural implications of patriarchy that they could be sensitive to and ways and means of engaging in making the world around them a place just and peaceful.

Please contact the Men's Fellowship Secretary Mr Renji Cherian for more details.

Young Families' Fellowship

Sweeter than the honey

Marriage is a mystery. Its said to be an empty box where you take out only what you put in. It is possible that on the one side marriages could be ever dynamic and vibrant while on the other it could also a draining experience emotionally tiring. Marriage Enrichment Programmes have proved to be successful all over the world and the various lessons learnt globally can be practically channelled to the strengthening of the marriages within us. The Spouses Fellowship will be an exclusive space for spouses to meet and discuss the strengthening of marriages.

For more information please contact the Young Families' Secretary Mrs. Christy Abraham

Cottage Prayers

A praying life

An outlet for the members of our church to come together in their respective geographic areas to get spiritual nourishment for life’s challenges. This helps the members to know each other and build their fellowship together.

Meets once every month at the residence of a member.

For organising prayers please contact the Cottage Prayer Coordinator Mr Sunish Varghese.

Mission Projects


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” - Romans 1 : 16

Beloved in Christ,

Melbourne CSI has initiated a new missionary assistance towards West Bengal mission fields directed by ‘Jeevan Ka Mukud or Crown Of Life Ministries’ based in Kerala. Two missionary families, of Mr. Susheel Chandra Sardhar and Mr. Tapasmal, who does the pioneering mission in the district of Bangura (Bakkuda) in West Bengal are prayerfully supported by our congregation.

This mission was started by Mr. Sajan Paul ( A committed CSI member from a Hindu back ground, who is the general secretary of the missions) and Friends before some years, as they were sharing the gospel to some of the Bengali friends who came in search of labor opportunities in Kerala and were engaged in the constructional work of Pushpagiri Hospital, Tiruvalla,Kerala,India. They were staunch Hindus and were reluctant to receive the Gospel at first. But the Lord touched them and opened their hearts to understand and experience Christ in their lives. They were later theologically trained and were sent back to their native places to share the gospel with their friends and relatives in west Bengal. Many villagers accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and now they have become a big group of believing and baptized Christian disciples. In many places the good news is spread and many new members are added in to the flocks. We are thankful to all our church members for the prayers and assistance towards this solemn cause. We can still sponsor other needs of the missions like Bible distribution to the villagers who can read, Education aid for the missionary children or other children, New dresses, A special meal during your special days, Medical support, Home appliances, Winter clothes /blankets/ Bicycles / Bikes for the missionaries,/Community hall or church building etc.

We can also make a visit to the fields and experience the warmth of fellowship with the believers in those mission fields who are poor and lowly. Our youth also can have exposure to these rural missionary outreach in India among the people of other faiths. Above all, the major support from our part can be the sincere prayers that we could offer for these mission works and also the encouragement given to the missionaries for their blessed and fruitful ministry.

Let God’s name be glorified and the Lord’s work be honored as you would continue to assist this ministry with your prayers and generosity. Your hands of help will make a big difference in the lives someone deserving in the society. Thank you for your prayers and support for the missions so far. May God bless our commitment abundantly throughout the days to come.

Rev. Kurian Peter

Br Sushil Chandra Sardar & Family
Co-ordinator West Bengal
Tapasmal & Family


A/c Name: Melbourne CSI Church
BSB : 063-103
A/c No. 10450625

All Australia CSI Fellowship

All Australia CSI Fellowship

During the first All Australia CSI Conference decision was made to form an All Australia CSI Fellowship to nurture and develop a joint fellowship across Australia. Various joint efforts are currently being discussed and developed.